Every something in life tries to achieve we all have different dreams, but absolutely need money and wish them luck, well, at least a little bit! Since ancient times, people resorted to the help of mysterious rites, incantations, pulling into your life financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people are still interested in mysticism and as though trying to correct his position. Especially popular among the faithful of the population" are peculiar little things, such as amulets for good luck and money.
What amulets can bring wealth and good luck

Every something in life tries to achieve we all have different dreams, but absolutely need money and wish them luck, well, at least a little bit! Since ancient times, people resorted to the help of mysterious rites, incantations, pulling into your life financial well-being. Today, nothing has changed, people are still interested in mysticism and as though trying to correct his position. Especially popular among the faithful of the population" are peculiar little things, such as amulets for good luck and money.
Such things are not only interested in needy, you can see them and the pop stars, modern rulers, artists, deputies. Humanity is at all times interested in the opportunity to get as much money as possible and by the way, the charms help a lot of people!
Being fond of history of different people, it can be noted that the amulets for wealth is at all, only look products different. Made of excellent material: wood, leather, thread, beads, stones, shells and other things with magical properties.
It is believed that in order for the amulet to wealth really worked, it must be created by the hands of the great magician, the sorcerer, the man possessing some kind of supernatural powers. However, if you do a similar thing for themselves, with their hands fully trusting in his strength, financial well-being can be corrected in a matter of months.
What are amulets for good luck and wealth
To understand what are the charms, you need to have an idea of what it is all about. The term amulet is commonly understood as a subject, endowed with the power of attraction (repulsion). Look product is as good, can be made from anything, the main thing that people perceived the thing-a fetish correctly and then its power will be programmed to achieve the desired results.
Bill of any denomination
Many make the amulet to attract money from ordinary cash-bills and coins. On bill sign your name, fold it and put in a secret place purse. As soon as there is a profit, any Designata get the bill and said thank you, put it back. Coin drill, making a hole in them, and on a chain worn around the neck, put in a purse.
Red fabric or threadTo perform the role of an amulet may be an ordinary piece of red cloth. A small piece cut off and carry in your wallet. Woolen thread is red in color, wrapped around the left wrist are not taking off.
Many think it's all child's play, and they seek the acquisition of the amulet to the witches, that when you create spelling the thing over her perform a ritual to bring money and success. So you can buy the Imperial or the Horde amulet, although they can make themselves.Imperial amulet
If you want to recover all the debts, and quick financial success was always there, the money flowed, and career luck, you need to buy or make Imperial amulet for good luck.
Taking beautiful coin, full moon over her perform the ritual. It starts with the ignition of Church candles, which is set on the table, the future owner of the amulet should take the coin in hand, to examine carefully and imagine how it will be a lot of beautiful and to live as a career will always carry. Now you need to show a coin to the moon.
Taking a small piece of red cloth, he put a coin and show through the window of the Month, money should fall a ray of heavenly sanctus. Speak to "Ask God and the Universe to send good luck and wealth". Fabric rolled up around the coin without touching the hand that, and at night take in the headboard, under the pillow. In the morning the product is removed, clean with a piece of cloth in a purse, away from prying eyes.
Horde amuletTo attract wealth and monetary well-being, it is sufficient to carry continuously the Horde amulet. To make the Horde the amulet just to carry it in a purse, pocket, secretly from all. On the street you need to find a coin of any denomination, you sent her fate. As soon as the Moon starts to rise, on the first Wednesday of this period, you must light three Church candles and setting them on the table, forming a sort of triangle candles, sitting on the chair, to read the conspiracy:
- The money one I will take in hand. She with me now the handmaid of God (name) with me the same prosperity will be invincible. The coin is my other calling, attract wealth, bring. Now I live in wealth and abundance.
Reading the spell, you need to hands to turn the coin, representing, as will soon become rich. Having read the words, a coin tied with a thin rope, forming a cross, saying:
- ADFIGO, money attract.
The ends of the rope cannot be cut, they are annealed in the flame of a candle. A coin-amulet, placed exactly in the center of the triangle from the candles, leaving for the night, go to sleep. In the morning, so nobody noticed the money clean deeper in the wallet and never tell anyone about her not talking, protect from prying eyes.
How to make an amulet for happiness with your own hands

In order to make the symbol of money, luck, fulfillment of desires with your own hands, you can take to do this running water (on the river) favourite stone. To specifically go and search something you need. Stone you should see by chance, came to the river with a completely different purpose. Rinse the finding in the same river and bring home.
Full moon under a lighted candle to draw on the stone money, the dollar, by the way, this amulet can fulfill your every desire, that is, if you've been dreaming about the car – draw it, and luck will smile very soon you will drive your car! After, the amulet is wrapped in a red cloth, hiding somewhere far away. If the stone is quite small, carrying it in your wallet, a great item hidden away in the closet so that nobody found.
How to attract good luck
Success follows those who always wears a small red cloth bag that holds the leaf, rosemary, Bay leaf, cloves, mint, fennel leaves if not dry, put a pinch of home-grown herbs. So the amulet worked in the right direction, it is made only on a full moon night, by candlelight, reading over him, "our father..." three times.
The amulet must be powered lunar energy, so every full moon it should be a time to put on the window sill again in the morning to hide in a secluded place before the new full moon.